So today was my first day of classes back at college. They went good, although I started that wonderful time of the month today so my stomach was a little upset, but other than that it was a good first day. I really like my Old Testament professor; I think he will be really funny.
So after my classes were over, which was around two, I headed back to my room. I knew I needed to work on a scholarship that is due in February. Not remembering how bad and how fast the awful weather was coming, I left the dorm room to go run some errands and take care of the scholarship. I went to the Alpha House where I volunteer and got that straightened out. I came back by the college and got my transcripts. Then I went to the bank to cash a check. My next stop was Wal-Mart. I had to get some stamps (which you can now get at Wal-Mart if you didn't know) and an envelope to mail the scholarships.
When I finally paid, I carefully made my way out to my truck stepping ever so lightly on the increasingly slippy parking lot. I got in my truck and started back for the college (which is not very far from Wal-Mart.) So I'm about halfway to the college and I slide in the road. Well, luckily the person behind me slid too. They didn't hit me, but it gave me room to back up a little bit and straighten out. I turned the corner onto the main college street and I was doing okay at like five miles per hour.
When I got to the entrance to the parking lot by my dorm, I started slipping a little more. But again, I did okay and it worked out. The bad news is I didn't find a parking spot in that parking lot and as I tried to exit that parking lot, my poor little non-front wheel and non-four wheel drive truck started to spin. It was not good. I even had it in second. I put it in park and it started to slip backwards, so I had to slam on the brake. After two or three more attempts, I finally gave up and called our campus' safety and security. They didn't do much to help me. Then I called my dorm office and they sent our Resident Director and one of the Resident Assistants out to help me. They helped a little, mainly just to calm my nerves. But right before they came out, this little gray car slid into the front of my truck. It didn't leave any damage, but the guy just drove off and didn't get out or anything. I wasn't too happy about that.
Finally after twenty minutes and holding up six cars from getting out of the parking lot, my friend's boyfriend walked up to the front of the line and asked what was going on. I explained my pitiful predicament and his girlfriend and my two suite mates jumped into the back of my truck to add some weight to it while he pushed. I've never really witnessed a miracle before, but I think this was the closest thing to one. It was amazing. It was like the hand of God had just come down and pushed my truck out onto the road. Right now my little truck is parked in an illegal parking spot because I could move it no further on account of slipping even more and having a wreck. So I am very thankful right now that God saved me and I'm praying that the local police don't give me a ticket.
So that wasn't very much fun, but a lot of very good things did happen today. I received a check in the mail from one of the nicer resale shops in my home town. I painted my room over the break and was getting rid of some things and took a few things by there. I must have sold something because the check was $18.22. I was very happy. I also had to have two transcripts for my scholarships and I thought they were going to be $10.00 each. It turns out that transcripts for scholarships are free. Who'd a thought? And I had to have a text book and a lab book for my intro to computing class and each of those at the used price is like $86.00. Today I bought them both for $75.00 from a friend I know through my roommate. And my friend whose boyfriend pushed my truck out of the parking lot is also letting me borrow one of her old books for a class. God is just so amazing. Every time I want to doubt him or think he can't handle something, he shows up and rebukes my doubt and proves me wrong. He showed me today that he's bigger than ice, money, doubts, worries, cramps; everything. He really does care about our insignificant daily lives. That's why I love him so much.
So you can pray that sometime tomorrow, if the roads aren't too slippery, I can find my truck a nice little parking spot and not get a ticket from the police. But I have faith that God will take care of everything. Even my truck.
I pray your day is amazing tomorrow. And remember that no matter how big your troubles may seem, God is still bigger than them, every last one.
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