Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Almost Here

Thanksgiving break is almost here, and I can't wait to be out of school for a week. I won't know what to do with myself. Well, actually I will know what to do. I'm going to be visiting people I haven't seen in a long time, I'm going to the school to see old teachers and counselors, I'm going to our second playoff football game, I'm going to watch my cousin sing in a concert, I'm going to help my mom clean for Thanksgiving, and then we'll have Thanksgiving. And I think that following Saturday is the bedlam game between OU and OSU. That'll be a game to watch. Oh, and I think OU plays Texas Tech this weekend so that will be good too. And since I'm home for two weekends over the break, I'm going to our old church the second weekend of the break. My mom will be working so she won't miss me too much, and my dad will have seen me all week. I miss so many people from our old church and I can't wait to see them all.

Well, today I took two of my three tests for the week, so I'll just have to take my college algebra test tomorrow and then I can relax. I also have my post-testing for Fitness and Wellness on Thursday when I'll have to walk/run the 1.5 mile again. Oh, well. I did go to the work-out room yesterday and did three miles on the elliptical. It was a little over thirty minutes. I'm not sore today, but I probably will be tomorrow. I hadn't really worked out for like two weeks, and my legs were like, "What are you doing?" But it was good, and I felt good afterwards.

I need people to pray about something for me. One of my professors here at the college is going through a tough time. Right now his family is a foster family to a ten-month old little girl. Well, they want to adopt her, but the birth mother wants her back, but the birth mother's situation is not a healthy one. Just pray that a miracle happens and that they get to adopt the baby girl if it is God's will. He's been telling us about her since the beginning of the semester and it's definitely something that is weighing heavy on his whole family. I know from experience what a blessing adoption can be from my aunt and uncle adopting my two little cousins, so I ask all of you to pray.

Well, I've got a wonderful college algebra test to study for and then I'm off to volunteer at Alpha House. God Bless.


Lea said...

Hope all your tests went well. I love your new look on your blog. Very cute and totally you! Where did you find this?? I see everyone with such cute blogs now and I don't know where they are getting them. I want one:).

Aubrey said...

IM so excited to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)