Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Something to think about.

Last night at my college, the students saw a special viewing of a movie called, "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers." At first this kind of sounds like an oxymoron, but the movie was very good and very convicting. The star, writer, and producer of the movie, Dan Merchant, was also here to promote the movie and to have a discussion with us after the movie.

The basic theme of the movie is this guy in a bumper-sticker suit going all over America interviewing people. He asks them about God, Christians, if they are going to heaven, and is trying to solve the issue of "Why is the gospel of love dividing America?" That's kind of an oxymoron too if you think about it. So many people look at Christians and see narrow minded, judgemental, goody-goodies who don't care about anybody else's opinion but their own. Dan Merchant sets out on a three year journey to understand why Christians are like that and to get first-hand responses from the general public on their take of Christians.

Another basic theme of the movie is just loving others. Forgetting nationalities, if they are homosexual, bisexual, smell bad, if they are homeless; forgetting all our differences and listening to one of the last commandments Jesus gave before he was crucified: "Love others as I have loved you." He didn't say "love the ones you want to love." No, he said to love others.

In the movie, Dan Merchant is in San Fransisco and he interviews a male that is dressed as a nun drag queen--that's actually a description taken from Dan Merchant himself. He is undoubtedly a homosexual. This guy looks crazy. For the first fifteen minutes of the interview, Dan was tense and couldn't relax and was very fake (he told us all this during the discussion after the film). Then Dan said God spoke to him and said, "This guy is no different from you. I love him just as much as I love you." When Dan heard that, he relaxed and realized that God doesn't pick and choose who he loves and neither should we. That's a little hard to remember when people smell bad and are homeless, but God loves them just as much as he loves us.

I'm not sure when this movie is coming to theaters, but keep your ears and eyes open for it. It's definitely worth your time and money. If you want to check out the website, it is

There are also plenty of YouTube videos on the subject as well, but here is one that can get you started.

Check these out and remember to love people. It doesn't matter if you feel like it or not, just love them. Jesus didn't feel like going to the cross, but he made a choice. Make your choice today.

1 comment:

Lea said...

Great post Jana. I will look forward to seeing the movie. Hope you are doing well.

Much love,